Sunday, March 13, 2011

Excitement in Assisi

Day 3 we take a train to Assisi. It has been raining and is still drizzling. Assisi is beautiful. It sits on a hill so all the cobble stone streets run up and down the hill.Despite the rain I convinced Michael that we needed to go out and see a few sights since we plan to leave for Florence tomorrow afternoon. We had been out about 2 hours when I slipped going downhill. I fell and broke my leg. Luckily one of the many people who came to our rescue was a man who was a nurse and he helped me keep my leg still and that helped with the pain till the ambulance arrived. The ambulance took us to the town of Perugia about 25 miles away. At the hospital they did X-rays and put on a cast. Most of the people working in the hospital only spoke Italian. Luckily the doctor helping spoke some English. He said I broke the fibula. 3 hours later with several prescriptions and other info written in Italian, we took a ninety euro taxi ride back to our hotel in Assisi. The trouble is that the taxi drops you off at the bottom of a hill and you have to walk up the hill and up a flight of stairs to get to our hotel. I cannot put weight on my left leg and I have no crutches. I have to get them at the farmacia tomorrow. We finally made it up. We had not had dinner yet so the owner of the hotel called his son who owns the family restaurant to bring us 2 lasagnas and salad. Other than a little pain, some uncomfortableness, and the inconvenience, I am fine. I joked with Michael that I had never broken a bone or riden in an ambulance before and that I had to come all the way to Italy to do so. Michael reminded me that he'd had not even wanted to go out in the rain today! Onward from here...

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