Monday, March 14, 2011

Damn crutches!

So I am not good at using these damn crutches. I can only go 4-5 steps before I have to stop. As much as I hate to admit it I think we are going to try to find a wheelchair, else we won't get anywhere. We arrived by train in Florence today. After checking in to our hotel Michael went and got us some! Yum! Now we have both taken a nap...this is wearing us both out. It rained while we slept. I no longer like the rain. My left leg is hurting today as well as the right which has to do all the work. We may stay in tonight except for dinner. Not sure what we will do about that yet. Tomorrow we hope to get the wheelchair and see the Duomo, the statue of David at the Accademia and maybe a bus tour of the city. Let you know more tomorrow.

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