Monday, April 23, 2012

It's My Birthday!

Today is my birthday!  Yes I know...I am not 7 and so I should not be so excited but I love birthdays, mine and other peoples.  I am 49 today...can you believe it?  I can't!  The first part of my birthday celebration was spent in Port Aransas at the beach and enjoying Sandfest  this past weekend.  I LOVE the beach!  Today I slept in a bit and went in to work for a half day.  Those are my kinda work hours.  Nothing much on my to-do list today...good thing since I spent a lot of time receiving "happy birthday" wishes from my colleagues.  Lauren brought lunch and ate with me.  Now I'm home alone in a quiet house with the animals.  I've watered all the plants and had a snack as I wait for the family to get home from work.  Then we'll go to dinner (Baker Street Pub), have dessert and open gifts.  This year I was told not to create a birthday wish list so we'll see what they decide to get for me.  I am sure it will be exactly what I want.  I'll post pictures later.

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