Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Okay Friends,
I am searching for new books to add to my TBR (to be read) list.  So let's have a little fun with my search.

Here is what YOU have to do.  Post a comment on this blog, on Facebook, or Twitter telling me your all time favorite book that I need to read.  If you post on FB or Twitter, remember to tag me (@jenniferlw63) and use #pickmybookplease.

Here is what I will do.  I will pick 10 of the books posted, share my new list with all of you on this blog, on FB and Twitter.  Then I will get busy reading. After reading them, I will write a review on Goodreads and determine which is my new favorite.

If my new favorite was your recommendation, you will win this:

So let's do this.  The window for recommendations is open now and will close on October 14.  I will not take any more titles after the 14th.  Post your favorites!

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