Sunday, October 28, 2018

Funny How Life Works Sometimes

Sometimes it is crazy how life works out.  Last Christmas, I planned a cruise for the two of us to the Bahamas for this week (October 22-27). As the  time was approaching, I was really looking forward to this next adventure.

But then a little over a week ago, we had more pressing issues to deal with.  We had a pet who was struggling and eventually we had to say goodbye to him last Friday.

It was so strange not having him around in the house for 2 days before we left for Miami.  I wasn't excited about the cruise anymore.  My mind was overloaded with my grief. Ask LW, I was keeping myself busy cleaning the house and the yard.  I guess I was afraid if I sat too long, my memories of Bear would rush back and my emotions would overwhelm me.

Now I am glad we have been gone for a bit.  The distraction has been good for me.  Plus while we have been gone, Austin has had a "Boil Water Notice" in effect due to all the rain and the flooding.  It has lasted all week. I am so thankful I have not had to deal with that issue.  Hopefully by the time we get home, it will have ended.

Unfortunately,  I know the reality of losing Bear will hit me again when we walk in the door and he does not come to greet us.  But just with any loss, I'll just take it one day at a time.

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