Thursday, August 14, 2014

Healthy Update #1

Well it's been 14 days since I visited Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology.  I received lots of great information at that meeting.  The mid level medical tech started me on 2 oral meds and daily insulin injections.  Although I didn't want to have to do injections, it hasn't been bad and my glucose numbers are coming down steadily.  They have been lower than I've seen in months.  Not quite where I need them yet but working on it.  Next Tuesday I have an appointment with a dietitian.  Thought that might give me some added information.  I'll let you know how things are going along the way.  Thanks to everyone for their moral support.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to hear what you learned Jennifer! I'm not diabetic (yet--ahhh!!), but was shocked to be told at my regular checkup in April that I was headed in that direction if I didn't make some drastic lifestyle changes. I had high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and CRAZY high triglycerides (genetics mostly, but admittedly my diet was not ideal). They told me to cut out added sugars, alcohol, and all refined carbs--and also increase my exercise to at least 30 minutes of walking a day. So far so good--numbers all back down to normal! :) I still crave candy though--and it's EVERYWHERE! I am always looking for good books or articles on the subject, just to keep me motivated. I read Grain Brain after my dad passed away from dementia at age 67 in March (his diet was a lot like mine was--all sugar and cereal--not great for brain or heart health) and it was excellent. Any good book or article recommendations from your nutritionist? Always nice to know that I am not alone in trying to work on this! No fair to the people out there who can still eat candy and do-nuts and beer and still have perfect blood work!! Love you!! Xo sally
