Monday, July 14, 2014

Going For a Healthier Me!

Everyone has their own troubles and trials in their life.  This post is about something that is happening in my life right now.  I know that my issue may not be as devastating and heartbreaking as someone else's but it is my diagnosis to deal with.

About a year and half ago, my doctor diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes. First I was scared.  Then I was angry and refused to do anything he suggested.  Which in reality wasn't much, except a very strict prepackaged food plan that was VERY expensive.  I attempted this plan twice and failed.  Since then I have received very little support, counseling and/or guidance from my family doctor and I have all but ignored the fact that I have type 2 diabetes.

Yes I know you are probably saying...This is dangerous.  You need to take care of yourself.  But I think a person has to go through the stages of grief or something like it.
I've been scared.
I've been angry.
I've been in denial.
I've been depressed.

And now I think I have finally come through that black tunnel and out the other side ready to acknowledge this beast and deal with it.  I have made an appointment with Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology for a consultation and some advice/guidance.

These things I know already.
I need to monitor my levels and have started a log to take with me to my appointment on August 1.
I need to get more exercise and have started walking with Lauren.
I need to lose weight and am attempting to eat healthier by making better choices.
I need to give up my diet cokes but this is harder than one thinks.  I'm working on it by cutting back on the number of drinks I have each day.

The biggest thing I have figured out or that has finally come to me is that I have to do this for me.  Not for my family, not for a wedding next year.  I have to be selfish and do it for me and for only me.  If I do that everyone else will benefit as well because I will be healthy and happy.  I have finally reached acceptance.

I am posting about this here so that others facing similar hurdles can see that they are not alone in their fight.  I am posting this here to hold me accountable.  I am posting this here so that my friends and family can be supportive of the changes in my life.

Thank you to everyone in advance for your understanding and support and love.  I will keep you updated with my progress.  Here's to a healthier me!

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