Tuesday, August 26, 2014

ALS & the Ice Bucket Challenge

All these posts on social media, especially on Facebook, got me thinking.  I know that could be dangerous, right?  Especially with someone who has a lot of extra time on her hands.

I'm all for raising awareness for things such as ALS.  In fact I think we go though life totally unaware of the struggles people are going through, unaware of the severity of situations, unaware of the horrific afflictions that others are experiencing.  UNTIL it hits close to home.  I don't think we do this on purpose, life just gets in the way.  So when the Ice Bucket challenge began as a way to raise awareness for ALS, I was on board with the idea.  However lately, I guess I have become a little cynical.  Or a little tired of the videos blowing up my Facebook feed.  Or....I don't know.

I don't mean to upset my friends who have experienced losing a loved one to this horrible disease.  Please don't take my thoughts the wrong way.

I made a donation today to ALS in memory of Charelle Tushelc Burnett, a dear friend of Carin Champion.  Carin is a friend and colleague of mine.  I have never met Charelle but have heard several stories of her from Carin.

I did not do the ice bucket challenge and I have no plans of doing it.  Although if I were creative, I might have come up with some other method of doing the challenge such as how Carin and her friend Ingrid approached the challenge.  You can try to see their post here.  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10203334671822275&set=vb.1075116949&type=2&theater

Awareness is great.  Support is even better.  I guess my thoughts are as follows:

I hope everyone who is participating in the challenge actually makes a donation.  Probably they are since the ALS Association website says that they have raised 88 . 5 million dollars in 29 days.  The increased awareness has provided unprecedented financial support.  Yea!  I am so happy.  They will be able to do so much with that money.

Awareness is the key, I get that but I also have to wonder how much water has been wasted during this challenge.  According to The Washington Post, it is over 5 million gallons.  I know we waste a lot of water with faulty sprinklers and leaky faucets but this kinda irritates me when  you think of all the places around the world in drought status or where there is no fresh clean drinking water.  I love how Matt Damon participated in the challenge.  As the co-founder of Water.org, he chose to use toilet water.

I believe more people are aware of ALS because of this challenge but do we really know anything more about it?  Maybe we should find ways to raise awareness like participating in the Walk to Defeat ALS.  Heaven knows we could all use a little exercise.

But then in the end, I have to wonder, does it really matter?  As long as the people have donated.  As long as the foundations are receiving tremendous amounts of money in order to try to find a cure.  Maybe a bucket of ice water over the head is worth it.  Maybe, just maybe, this crazy challenge has brought out the better side of humanity.  One where we are helping each other, thinking of others, and actually doing something rather than just talking about it. Or worse, ignoring it.

Side note:
As I reread this post in preparation for posting, I realized something.  When a dear friend and colleague found out her 18 month old son had stage 4 neuroblastoma, my daughter and I jumped in with both feet to raise funds for the family.  We  created t-shirts, wristbands and hoodies and sold them around the country to gain financial support for this family.  My daughter posted pictures of people wearing their gear on a special Facebook page.  So how is that different?  I guess it's not really.  My daughter and I did exactly the same kind of thing that I just ranted about.
Boy oh boy, I told you a woman with too much time on her hands was dangerous.

Anyway, whether you participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge or just donate to ALS, find the time to do it.  The people suffering  need your help.  The loved ones suffering need your help.  It would mean alot to everyone involved.


  1. 5 million gallons of water!! Wow!! Loved Matt Damon's idea.

  2. Thank you, thank you Jennifer, for donating in Charelle's memory. I so appreciate it. Like I said, any awareness is good! I just hope people don't forget when the fad passes, but of course, I'll be here to remind them periodically. - Carin
