Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day After Day... Waiting for Tuesday

Every day is the same.  Wake up around 9, struggle to change clothes and clean up, eat some breakfast and fall into my recliner EXHAUSTED.  It takes a lot of energy to do all of that by yourself with a broken leg.  Then I spend about an hour doing some work and checking email at school.  I might read for awhile, watch "Kitchen Boss" and soon it is time for lunch.  Most days Lauren or Lester bring something home for lunch.  I might take a short nap after lunch as I wait for it to be time for "Say Yes to the Dress" and "Cake Boss."  Amazing how bad daytime tv is and yet I get sucked into some of the craziest shows. (Although "Cake Boss" is not crazy.)  Then if it is a really good day a friend or two may come over for a visit.  So many wonderful people have brought us delicious dinners and come to visit.  Just the company makes the day better.  We really appreciate all that our friends have done for us.  You are all amazing and I am so lucky to have you as friends.  Really looking forward to Tuesday when we return to the orthopedic doctor for follow up from the surgery.  I want all this wrap and stuff off my leg at least for a little bit.  Anxious to see how it looks and hear how it is healing.  Also very anxious about what he will tell me as far as the next step and when I can return to work.  Will let you know as soon as I know.

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