Sunday, December 24, 2017

My Favorite Books of 2017

Reading is my go to activity.  Books are a necessity in my view.  I have a membership in the Book of the Month club and I cannot keep up with the books I receive, but I cannot make myself halt the membership dues, or put my selection on hold.  What if I miss the my next great read? I have a bookshelf filled with these books.  I prefer the feel of the book in my hand.  The ability to use a bookmark of my choosing.  I do listen to audio books but mostly if and when I exercise. So for the year 2017, I had a goal to read at least 17 books.  I have surpassed my goal and have currently read 28 books and am working on number 29, which I will most likely finish before we ring in 2018.

Here are my top 5 favorites in no particular order, plus one extra worthy of reading for anyone in education.

1. The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman

2. Victoria by Daisy Goodwin

3. Troublemakers-Lessons in Freedom from Young Children at School by Carla Shalaby

4. Only Daughter by Anna Snoekstra

5. Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

Embarrassment-The Emotional Underlife of Learning by Thomas Newkirk

Have you read any of these?  What are your favorites from 2017?

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