Thursday, August 17, 2017

I'm Back!

Hey! Hey! Hey!
Haven't posted on this blog in a loooong time.  I was busy for the last year posting on the J & L Roadshow blog, which you can see here.

Some interesting news...I have taken a long term substitute position at my old school beginning the second week of school through the end of October in 4th grade.  I'm really excited about getting an opportunity to work with several students who are siblings of previous students.  I'm also excited to see their parents and reconnect with them.

I've been busy helping Lauren with her classroom again this year and I love doing that!  It helps her and it allows me to kinda keep in touch with teaching and education in general. I can't believe that she is starting her 4th year.  Crazy how time flies!  Here's a cute picture from her Meet The Teacher night.

I've also taken on a new side deal.  I've made a new friend who is struggling with some memory issues and her family has asked me to  try to get her out and about a couple times a week.  So I pick her up and we walk the mall and have lunch together.  We both enjoy our time together and I am always happy to have  a new friend.

Otherwise, all is well and I'll be back to posting periodically here on this blog.
Until later,

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