Thursday, May 29, 2014

Retirement is Here!

The last day of school is tomorrow and my retirement officially begins on May 31.  Although I will have to report to school on the morning of Monday, June 2 just to turn in keys and stuff.

It's kind of a weird feeling thinking that I am old enough to retire.  I don't feel that old.  Well, most days I don't.

People ask me how I'm feeling.  Not sure what answer they are looking for....should I answer with the following?

Awesome I can't wait to get out of here!

Happy, feeling great about my decision.

Sad, what will I do without all of you?

Hallelujah it's about time!


Oh no I've made a huge mistake.  Please don't make me go.

I have probably felt a little of all of those at some point in the last few weeks.  Well, maybe not the last one.  :)  Maybe that is what I will feel in August when all the new school supplies fill the aisles of Dollar Tree and Target.  Or when Lauren is setting up her classroom for the first time.

Nah, probably not.

People ask me what are my plans?  Wait a minute!  I'm supposed to have plans?  I thought I was retiring and I thought no plans was a major part of retirement.  Has someone led me a stray?

Actually, here are a few of my plans.  (yes I do have a few.)

Help Lauren and in between that, sleep in, read, sit by the pool or in it, meet Lester for lunch (yes he is still working), read, nap, read, sit by the pool, etc.  You can see where this is going.

However, my biggest plan is to keep in touch with friends.  So amigas,  let me here how you think we should do that.  Because most of you will be working.  Oh, sorry, didn't mean to rub that in.  :)

For now, think about it and get back to me when you can.  I hope everyone has a great LAST day!

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