Sunday, August 7, 2011

What? Summer is over?

Uggh...why does summer always go so fast?  Tomorrow is my first day back for this school year.  How can that be? Nothing against the school year per se it's just that I  haven't accomplished all that I had on my summer to do list yet so I think I need to wait on going back to work. Maybe if I'm lucky I can start back about mid October.  Should be finished with my to do list by then.... What do I have left to accomplish?  Well if you must know...there is still a pile of books that I wanted to read.  I haven't spent enough time in the pool (although if you saw my tan you may beg to differ). I wanted to explore some of the small communities around Austin such as Salado and Fredricksburg.  Seeing a movie in the Alamo Drafthouse was on my list but I was able to experience that last night. Check!  But there were so many other places here in Austin I wanted to museum, Umlauf sculpture garden, paddleboating on the lake, walking along Town Lake.  What about Schlitterbahn?   Where has my time gone?  Sure I have been to some exciting and fun places this summer like California and Portland.  But doesn't summer know that I need more time?  Am I the only one feeling this way?  Surely I think not.  The only good thing about going back is that this year will be the first of 3 that I have remaining until I am eligible for retirement.  Not that I will retire mind you but having the option and knowledge that I can is always a good thing.  Maybe I can get all my things done once I hit retirement.  Here's hoping this school year will be fabulous, enriching, and entertaining!  Welcome back to the real world!

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