Friday, June 4, 2021

Mother Daughter Road Trip 2021 Day 2

Day 2 found us stopping at Cadillac Ranch just outside Amarillo with spray paint in hand. But due to all the rain recently there was no way I was going all the way out to the Cadillacs.  One guy wearing rubber rain boots was getting stuck in the mud as he was trying to spray paint the different cars.  We will check it on our way back by as we head home next week.

We made our final Texas stop at Midpoint Cafe and Sunflower Station in Adrian.  This cafe and shop are on historic Rte 66 and sit exactly half way between Chicago and LA. 1139 miles in both directions

Arriving in New Mexico, our first stop was in Tucumcari at Tee Pee Curios.  This shop also sits along historic Rte 66.

Once we arrived in Albuquerque, we found Boca Negra Canyon, part of the Petroglyph National Monument.  We walked and climbed some of the trails to see the petroglyphs and the view of ABQ. The majority of these petroglyphs were made by ancestors of modern day Pueblo people. They used hand held stone tools to remove the desert varnish  to expose the lighter color of the basalt rock. Petroglyphs differ from pictographs which are paintings on rock. There are over 21,000 images in this national monument. It is believed that the majority of the images were carved between 1300-1700 AD.   The placement of each image is not a casual or random decision.

After settling into our hotel, we had dinner at Cocina Azul and are ready to rest up for day 4.

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