Thursday, March 24, 2016

Facts I've Learned While Visiting Japan

Japan is an archipelago and has 4 main islands and about 6000 smaller islands.  It is 3500 km from north to south.  Seventy percent of Japan is covered in forest or mountain.  Thirty percent is floodland and half of that is used for agriculture. The population of Japan is over 127 million, with Tokyo's population is at 13 million.  The rainy season is from June-July and typhoon season is from September-November.  As I sit here right now it is cherry blossom season.  On 3/22 the meteorological society announced it was officially cherry blossom season.  The meteorological society bases this on a cherry tree somewhere that has to have more than 5 blossoms to begin the official season.  They expect full bloom by 3/29.  Everything everywhere is cherry cream flavors, signs, designs on socks, etc,  I have included a few pictures of the cherry blossoms I've seen.  The school year in Japan starts in April so I have seen lots of kids in graduation gowns.

Emperor Akihito is 82 years old, as is Empress Michiko.  Emperor Akihito is the 125th Emperor of Japan and from the same blood line. He has no political power.  He is the ceremonial head of state and according to the 1947 Constitution, "the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people." He is also the highest authority of the Shinto religion (explained int he next post).  The Empress was the first commoner to join the Imperial family.  They have 2 sons and a daughter.  Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako have one daughter, Princess Aiko.  Prince Fumihito of Akishino and Princess Kiko have three children:  Princess Mako, Princess Kako, and Prince Hisahito.  Prince Hisahito is third in line for the throne.  He is currently about 10 years old. The Emperor's daughter, Princess Sayako, lost her royal status and had to leave the Imperial family when she married a commoner.  She was the first princess to marry a commoner and is now also considered a commoner. That sucks, right?

Tokyo is divided into 23 wards, developed around the Imperial Palace grounds.  400 years ago it was a swamp.  At the end of the 16th century a great Samurai built a castle where the Imperial Palace sits now. During this time, there was a Shogun form of government.  This was a military form of government.  More about that later.

Kyoto has 1.5 million people and is the 8th largest city in Japan.  It was the capitol of Japan from 794-1869.  At that time the last Shogun turned over power to the Imperial Emperor.

Next up:  a short lesson on Shinto vs Buddhism.

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