Saturday, June 14, 2014

Friday the 13th, a full moon and a lucky penny! Ha!

So yesterday was Friday the 13th.  Superstitious?  Not really.  But it was also a full moon and had we been in school, I most definitely would have expected some craziness.
For the past few days I have been house/dog sitting for a wonderful family.  Yesterday I  left for a wee bit to get  my hair cut.  In the salon parking lot I found a penny, heads, up.  So feeling lucky I picked it up and put it in my pocket.  Did it bring me luck you ask.  Well, you be the judge. Here's how my day turned out.

1.  My hair cut looks great.  My stylist, Hayley from Hair by Hayley, works wonders!
2.  I had been waiting to hear some good news that was due by Thursday evening but did not receive it then.  Feeling disappointed about that, it was surprising when the news did come unexpectedly on Friday morning.  Yea!
3.  Arrive at the house, take the dogs out of their kennels and decide they can walk with me to the end of the drive to get the mail and the trash container.  Close the front door and head out.  Return to the front door after getting the mail and trash container to find it locked.  The key is inside.  Search for another key the family may have hidden nearby without luck.  Text the other key.  Call a locksmith who says he will be here in 20 minutes.  An hour later he arrives.
By this time Lauren is here as well.  (We were going to lay by their pool.)  As the locksmith struggles with the 3 doors on the house, Lester arrives with lunch for the 3 of us.  We eat and wait on the locksmith to do his magic.
Over an hour later, the locksmith says the only thing he can do is drill through the deadbolt lock on the beautiful front door.  I text the owners and they agree to let him do that.  While he does that, I take the lucky penny from my pocket and throw it in the tree line.  I don't need that kind of luck!
He struggles with it but finally gets it done and realizes that the deadbolt is not locked.  Of course it isn't, how can you get locked out with a deadbolt?  The locksmith then says it has to do with the handle on the front door.  It is locked or broken.  Since I know there is no lock on the handle section, I assume it is broken.  He wants to drill thorough that as well.  I saw no.  Thanks for your help, pay the $60 I owe and send him on his way.
But we have still not gotten in the house.  Now I also have to go to the bathroom.  Uggh!  We wander aimlessly around the house trying to figure out what to do next and waiting for the owner to call me.  Lauren decides to try  the old credit card trick and Voila!  the front door opens.  Hallelujah Lauren!
So almost 3 hours later, and $60 poorer, we are in.  Now we examine the door handle and it is indeed the problem.  If this had not happened to me, it would have happened to the family at some point.  They are very understanding.

So was it Friday the 13th?  A full moon?  A lucky penny?  Did the lucky of the penny clash with the bad vibes of  Friday the 13th?  How does a person explain all of this?  Just life, I guess.

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