Saturday, September 6, 2014

Making a Difference

Teachers are making a difference in the lives of their students and their families every day.   It is one of the reasons I became a teacher.  But now that I am retired, I was thinking about how to continue making a difference.  Or at the very least, feel like I am contributing.

Last month, a friend posted on Facebook that she was participating in the Texas Mamma Jamma Bike ride, riding to beat breast cancer, in honor of her mother.  I love this friend and so made a donation.  If you want to make a donation here is a link to her page.


The ALS ice bucket challenges that were blowing up our Facebook feeds were drawing so much attention to the issue of ALS.  A friend and colleague of mine lost a dear friend to ALS.  So instead of wasting water, I just made a donation in her friend's honor.  Here is a link if you wish to make a donation.;jsessionid=E8C755C15FA0A81F80A9EBEC766677DB.app202b?df_id=27420&27420.donation=form1

This month is Pediatric cancer awareness month.  This of course hits a little closer to home with our dear friends reaching the one year anniversary of their young son's diagnosis and nearing the end of his treatment plan.  Another friend has organized a blood replacement drive in honor of this anniversary/celebration.  Here is the information about the drive.  Please come out and donate if you can.

Rex Ryan Replacement Blood Drive
The Rexstrong community will be holding a blood drive to mark the year anniversary of Rex’s initial diagnosis of Stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer on September 12, 2013.
 Since that day, Rex’s life has been a roller coaster of hospitalizations, courses of chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy and a stem cell transplant. In addition, he has had 54 blood transfusions none of which would have been possible without folks like you donating to the Blood Bank. Time and time again, Rex has overcome any obstacles that this disease has thrown his way and I can think of no better way to celebrate his journey than this Blood Drive.

Information on the date and time of the drive is contained below.
 It is really important that you make an appointment before September 20 so that the Blood Bank can plan accordingly. The process has been simplified and you need only click on the link below to sign up.
 This is a voluntary event.
 Date:   September 20, 2014
Time:  10:00 am – 2:00 pm
*Time subject to change depending on participation
Sign up online:
Parking lot in front of Eanes Independent School District's Administrative Office
601 Camp Craft Rd, Austin, Texas 78746.

Debbie Smith

Please eat prior to donationPhoto ID required

For several reasons, I cannot give blood that day but will be sitting with Debbie thanking people for coming. I have ordered yellow wristbands that say "Win the day" to pass out to all those participating in the blood drive.  "Win the day"  is a saying the hospital and the Ryan family have adopted during Rex's care.  

Then I noticed that in October, there will be a Walk to End Alzheimers.  So I signed up both Lauren and I to walk this 5k to help raise funds.  This also hits close to home, since it was Lester's maternal grandfather that endured Alzheimers.  Our children were very young at the time.  I remember how hard it was on Lester's grandmother and his mother.  Recently I have found out that the mother of a very close friend is also suffering from Alzheimers.  So I have made a donation and plan to walk the 5k to help bring attention to this crippling disease

If you'd like to help me out, join me in the walk or make a donation, here is a link to the  information and my page.  If you want to walk, sign up with my team called the Wolff Pack.

Here is a picture of Lauren and Michael with grandma and grandpa.

I know I cannot support everything that comes along but I had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to do something more.  Hopefully these things will hold that feeling at bay for a bit.  Until the next issue arises.....