Monday, June 18, 2012

A Gnome on the Move

For Jodi's birthday in May I sent her a Nebraska Husker garden gnome.  Recently when I went to visit for Shelby's graduation, that gnome could not stay in one place. Every day and some times multiple times in a day we would find that pesky gnome in a new location.  Once we saw Mom move him. But we never actually found out who was responsible for his daily movement.  Here are pictures of his locations throughout the week that I was at her house. 

This is where he was when we first arrived.
Not sure how he got on top of this stump.

                                                                                           He is getting closer and closer to the house.

     This is the location we spied mom moving him to one day.

Seattle for Shelby's Graduation! June 2012

On Saturday, June 9, Lauren, David, and I flew to Seattle and arrived at 11:45 pm. Mike and  Jodi were waiting for us.

                                                Eating Amy's ice cream in the Austin airport.

On Sunday, we began preparing for the big graduation party that would occur on Saturday the 16th by shopping at Costco.  We also went to a small community called Le Conner  to look at their interesting little shops and spend some time outside since it was so nice.  Dad and Pat went along.  David rode a mechanical reindeer.

Monday after Shelby was done with grad practice we all went to downtown Seattle to visit Pikes Place Market, the Space Needle and to peek over the fence at the Glass Museum.  Dad and the kids were going to go to the top of the Space Needle but changed their minds when they found out the wait was 45 minutes. It was a gorgeous day.
                                                    Rachel the pig at Pike Place Market
                                                                        The Gum Wall

The original Starbucks
                                                                  David, Lauren & Shelby
                                                                 Mt Rainer in the distance

The Space Needle

Tuesday Jodi & I ran errands and then met Shelby & Lauren for pedicures.  It was raining so we spent the rest of the day at home. 

Dad and Pat came for dinner and we played Quelf.
                                                             Dad hiding in his fort.
                                                        Jodi doing interpretive dance.
                                                        David's thumbs having a war.
                                                  Jodi teaching me to rollover and play dead.

Wednesday is graduation day.  It was raining and cold.  Mike, Jodi and & I ran a few more errands after breakfast. Mike's mom, brother and step father arrived.  Around 4 pm people started arriving to eat an early dinner, take pictures with the graduate and get ready to go.Graduation began at 7 and we were home by 9:30.
                                                         Shelby Ankrom Graduate of 2012
                                                            Mike, Shelby & Jodi
                                                             Shelby & her Uncle Jim
                                                    Shelby and her grandparents (Mike's side)
                                                            Shelby & Denny & Mom
                                                                Shelby & Dad & Pat
                                                         Austin, Aunt Jill, Shelby & Jacob
                                                               Lauren, Shelby & Me
                                                           David, Lauren, Shelby & Me
                                                    Mom, Jill, Lauren, Shelby, Jodi and Me
                                                                   Lauren & Shelby
                                          Cousins-Austin, Lauren, Shelby & Jacob-just missing Michael

                                                                    Strike a pose!

                                                 Receiving her diploma from her principal.

Thursday Jodi and I picked up Lester and Michael at the airport and grabbed some lunch.  Later that afternoon the kids went to see a movie.

Friday Jodi, mom and I went the Marysville Strawberry Festival marketplace and browsed.We entered some raffles the Marysville PTA was hosting.  I later found out I won a party gazebo!  The kids and Lester went to a movie.

Saturday was party day!  First Lauren helped Shelby get registered for classes at ACC.  After the fabulous party,  Jodi, Mike, Shelby and Jacob took us to Seattle but first we stopped at Rainforest Cafe for a late dinner.  

Sunday (Father's Day) we flew home to Austin.  Tons of fun in Seattle!